Independent Transformers & Fandomless/ROTG OCs
( Written by
Stertle, 33, She/Her )
Following Since this blog is SEMI-SELECTIVE, I’m afraid I can’t follow back each one of you that stumbles upon here or on my sideblog germholehater as much as I want to. Though remember, just because I’m not following you doesn’t mean you can’t rp with me or send asks.
Replies I reply slowly due to mostly work or distractions from home, so please be patient with me!
thankyouLength Don’t worry about it! So long as we can make a rp work that’ll be just fine and dandy.
Communication I have Autism (high functioning) and sometimes I don’t get all the social cues. I would like for you kind folks to come to me whenever there might be some concern regrading something I may have done and be straightforward so that I may understand.
Verses My RELATIONSHIP PAGE basically has all the links to several verses that Sterling is in as well as his relationship with certain muses (just click over the bold lettering you see like so), and that includes the AUs info too.
Shipping I do allow instant relationships at times if our muses have very good chemistry with each other. However, please don’t try to immediately send asks/replies as if though they’re already in a relationship without letting our muses meet first (and including no NSFT if you’re a minor as I am 33).
Triggers I can’t think of anything that would make me uncomfortable (besides the obvious: rape, etc.) but inform me if I need to tag anything that’s triggering or anything else I need to know about from you.
Icons & Designs Some of my icons or designs are not meant to be shared as I have requested these for my own personal use from the original artists, most of them being from THEYCALLMEKAIBARA, and including from XFREISCHUTZ.
Fandomless/ROTGFULL NAME Sterling Silver
ALIAS Blacksmith of the Ruins, Naval Officer, & Fashion Icon
AGE Over billion years old (???)
SHORT INTRO He did his time during the Golden Age war and even after, but now the silver starkin asides within Earth with his own blacksmithing shop called: The Ruins
Merster AU Little mercreature meets his prince charming mobster and they're both doing this Shape of Water style.
Spidersona AU Bit by a mystic spider he became the one and only Spiderman Huntsman in Olde Yorke.
TransformersFULL NAME Silverblade, Kite
ALIAS Guardsman of the Lost Light, Protector of the Innocence
AGE As old as the early primes (same as Beastie)
SHORT INTRO It was... true love of his new allies that awoke the knight from his long slumber of a near death; all he knew how to function a normal mech all wiped, expect for his will to prove himself of his worth and help others in need.
Transformers (Shattered Glass)FULL NAME Beastie, Silverblade
ALIAS Alpha, The Beast
SHORT INTRO It was... true wrath that awoke from his slumber, now set to survive in this new world of his by showcasing his status and strength to any mecha or organic alike that may try to oppose him in any way.
Greek LoreFULL NAME Astraios
ALIAS God of Stars & Art of Astrology, Papa Bear (by Eos), Husband of Eos
AGE ????
SHORT INTRO His actions speak alot of words than his own muted voice, but they impact alot with his many creations and children, even to those looking up at the starry sky itself from all around the world.
Greek LoreFULL NAME Eos
ALIAS Goddess of Dawn, Mama Eos, Wife of Papa Bear Astraios
AGE A lady doesn't kiss and tell~
SHORT INTRO She rises and shines upon all beings no matter how big or small they are, tweeting out her praises and encouragement and sweet kisses.
FandomlessFULL NAME Hollis
ALIAS Little Mothster
GENDER Non-Binary (They/Them)
SHORT INTRO When a starkin and a demon held hands with the gift of Creation by Astraios they created the very first Starnymph: a creature of soft whispers, shapeshifting, and a warm glow like their father's to help give comfort to all who may feel in despair.